Friday, April 14, 2017

Obesity - An Overview

Obesity is one of the leading Disease world faces today. Obesity is when a person has too much body fat as compared to their height and sex. A person is obese if they have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or greater.

Reasons of Obesity

Obesity occurs due to many reasons, some of the reasons are as below:

High Carbohydrate Diet
Frequency of Eating
Physical Inactivity
Diseases such as Hypothyroidism, Diabetics, Poly cystic  Ovary Syndrome. 

Causes of Obesity

Obesity is generally caused by eating too much and moving too little. If you consume high amount of energy particularly Fat and Sugar but don’t burn off the Energy through Exercise and Physical Activity.

1. Sleep: Getting too little sleep can increase Body Weight.
2. Pollution: Hormones control Body Weight & many pollutants affect our Hormones.
3. Medicine: Many different drugs including Contraceptives, Steroids, Hormones, Diabetic drugs and Blood Pressure drugs can cause Weight Gain.

What is the Role of Diet in the Treatment of Obesity?

A safe and effective Long Term Weight Reduction and Maintenance diet has to contain balanced Nutritious Foods.

Eat less energy dense food. Energy dense foods are high in Fats and simple Sugar. Such foods include Red Meat, Egg Yokes, Fried Foods, Sweet, Pastries, Butter and High Salad Dressings.

How can a Patient choose a Safe and Successful Weight Loss Program

The best and safest way to loose fat and keep it off is through a commitment to a lifelong process of proper diet and regular exercises. Medications should be considered as helpful adjuncts to Diet and Exercise, only for the patient whose health risk from obesity clearly over weigh the potential side effect of the medications.

The Diet should be safe, it should include all of the recommended daily allowances for Vitamins, Minerals and Proteins. The weight loss diet should be low in calories (energy) only.

The weight loss program should be directed towards a slow & steady weight loss unless the Doctor feels your health could benefit more from a rapid weight loss.


Maintaining an Ideal Body Weight is a Balancing act between food consumption and Calories needed by the Body for Energy required. What you Eat affect your ability to maintain your ideal weight and to loose weight as well.

Some Dieting Guidelines

Eat a Variety of Food.
Choose a Diet with plenty of Grain Products, Vegetables and Fruits
Choose a Diet low in Fat, Saturated Fat and Cholesterol.
Choose a Diet moderate in Sugar
Choose a Diet moderate in Sale and Sodium

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What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

Body Mass Index is a statistical measure of the body fat scaled according to your ideal height and ideal weight.. The BMI uses a Mathematical formula that accounts for both person’s weight and height. The BMI equals a person’s weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (BMI = weight(kg) / height2(m2)

BMI Categories

  Underweight – less than 18.5
  Normal weight – 18.5–24.
  Overweight – 25–29.9
  Obesity (class 1) – 30-34,99
  Obesity (class 2) – 35-39,99
  Morbid Obesity – 40 or greater

Various BMI Calculators are available to get BMI accurately calculated. Please find one such calculator below.